Hello Friends, There is an English saying, The cave we fear to enter usually hold the Treasure we seek, which means, if we want to achieve something in our lives then for that we need to take actions. Actions are must and we are aware about it but still we don't able to take actions because of fear of failure.
We fear of doing something new, we fear of hard work and efforts and one of the major reason for this fear is our lower self-esteem or Low confidence. Hence its really very important for us to keep our self-esteem or confidence always high. So let's begin
Practice of Self-responsibility
In 1967 Martin Saligemen did an experiment, In which he has given light shocks to some dogs But before giving shock he used to first ring a bell, he has repeated this process for several times Hence because of this what happened those dogs has associated that bell ring with shocks so whenever Martin used to just ring a bell and he didn't give them a shock, still those dogs has to behave as if they have received a shock.
This was the first part of an experiment, in second part martin kept those dogs inside a box type place, and that box type place was divided by one small wooden stick in one part of the box was button, by pressing that button he can give shocks to those dogs but the other side or part of the box was safe so when martin kept old dogs in that button part area, those dogs lay down in that same part and didn't even tried to jump and to get into the safe part of the box.
If they would have tried then they would have saved themselves from that shock however when martin kept new dogs inside that button area, new dogs who haven't received shocks they jumped to the safe side in order to protect themselves from that shock Through this experiment martin derived a very important theory which is known as Learned Helplessness which teaches that Helplessness can be learnt, we humans and animals learn it with the help of our life experiences, which isn't good for many a times, example if that dog instead of accepting his situation.
If he would have tried and if he would have taken action and would have jumped to other side then he must have saved himself from that shock but however with his past experience he learned and thought that no matter what i will receive shock hence he didn't even tried and those dogs surrendered themselves in front of that problem without trying just by feeling helpless same thing happen with humans as well, many a times we take our situations so badly and think that we can't do anything about it, we treat ourselves as victims.
We feel that others have control over us and we can't control anything, controlling isn't in our hands and we just can't do anything we are helpless, but the actual fact is if we people take 100 percent responsibility for everything in our hands and if we use our brain properly and if we take proper actions then we have the capability to change worst to worst situations and can make everything right hence even you should take the responsibility of things which is going around you, no matter if those things are happening because of you or coz of someone else just take the responsibility you should have your life control in your hands and do take actions this thing for sure give huge success to you but also increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Practice of living life purposefully
For most of the people life is like a flowing river, in which they flow without thinking or without plans they do not hard work or put efforts in the direction about which they have plan instead they just go with the flow, where river(life) is taking them they are just moving there without thinking and this happens till the time they don't see a big waterfall in front of them, when they see end of that river they realize that they are about to fall, hence at that moment they try to move out of that river they try hard very hard to move to the opposite side of the river. They try to protect themselves but unfortunately it was too late for them Maximum people in this world lives their life on others people terms and condition they do what society ask them to do.
They don't have their own goals, they don't have their own life purpose because of which they go with the flow, they keep on flowing without any plans and understanding but one day when life problems knock their door they fail to face it, even after try a hell lot of time they fail to handle it, and they blame others for their own wrong doings it was their mistake of not setting goals and moving without plans Why to talk about others, Even i was living my life without goals and plans.
When i was in college just by looking my parents and friends life even i was living my life the way it was going, because of which my self-esteem and confidence wasn't good and at that moment if i wouldn't have set my goals, if i wouldn't have plan my purpose just like my friends then today just like them i would have still searching for good job and i would have about to fall from the financial waterfall( financial problems) and till now i would have lost my entire self-esteem and confidence but fortunately because of reading books i came to know the importance and value of goals and purpose since then i have made my life purpose to encourage people towards reading books, to generate curiosity and i will for sure try to change people mentality, because ones people's mentality changes then our country's and whole worlds some biggest problems will get solved and we people together will make a huge difference in our country and in this whole world.
Therefore i created this blog which is completing my purpose and also helping me to earn. i am living my life purposefully hence my self-esteem and confidence is far better than earlier hence i would request you all to set goals, don't go with the flow don't allow life or situations to move the way they are moving do plan, what you want to do, how to want to do set goals right now at this moment or else suddenly a day will come when you will trapped yourself in a big problem and no matter how much you try you fail to move out of that problem, and finally you will fall.
Practice of Personal Integrity
Suppose there are two men one who only knows how to talk and real always fails to take actions and never able to do anything good in life on the other hand there's another man, who not only talk but have courage to take actions as well in real so according to you whose confidence will be more?
To practice self-integrity means to do things what we say means to take actions according to our believes i personally and genuinely with pure heart believes that defrauding, cheating someone and taking else's rights is not at all good, its really bad but suppose one day if i do thing which is against my believe if i defraud someone or cheat someone then this thing for sure will damage my self-esteem.
Not only because i did something wrong but because what i believed with my whole heart i did something opposite of it and this thing will make me feel guilty and i will never able to face myself in mirror Having Integrity means to take actions according to your believe and sayings and this things will for sure boost your self-esteem and confidence and its must for your confidence hence always practice to take actions as per your believes.
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